What Should I bring to a Photo Session?
Everything you think you will need. Too much is always better than not enough..
Maine weather is unpredictable and the temperature changes rapidly as you travel to the coast or change elevations. Even on the warmest day, it’s good to bring along extra layers.
Walking Shoes
Heels, pumps, cute shoes and dress shoes are great for photos, but aren’t necessarily the best for walking or traversing Maine’s rocky beaches. Bring along a good pair of walking shoes to stay comfortable throughout the session.
Jeans or Long Pants
Lets face it - shorts just don’t photograph well for all poses. You’re welcome to bring them and wear them for some photos and poses, but please be sure to bring at least one pair of long pants or jeans.
Ladies - if you’re wearing a dress or skirt, a pair of jeans or pants is a good change - especially on breezy days at the coast.
Guys - Hats, ties, sport coats and suit jackets are all good options.
Ladies - Hats, shoes, scarves, jewelry, and jackets are all good options
Extra Stuff
First and foremost - bring a hair brush or comb and styling product - you may not need these, but breezy conditions can ruin the best styled hair.
Bring whatever makes you, you. If you play a sport, bring some equipment or a ball. Play an instrument? Bring it along. Whatever props you want to bring - options are good.
Bring a Roadie
You may not think you need it, but you will likely need someone to help you carry everything. A parent, sibling, or friend will be a welcome helper.
Special notes for the ladies:
If you’re having your makeup or hair done before your photo session please keep the following in mind:
Tell your makeup artist you are having your senior portraits done so that they stick to a matte finish
Keep travel time and wind in mind - pinning your hair up until you get to the session can help keep your style in place (especially curls)
Make sure to schedule hair and makeup 2-3 hours before your photo session depending on travel time
Bring chap stick or lip gloss
Bring a selection of dresses - you can even bring your prom gown.
Special notes for the guys:
Don’t be “that guy” that only brings one outfit to your photo session. Please bring more than one outfit.
Facial Hair is OK - if you rock a 5 o’clock shadow or goatee normally, wear it proud. Otherwise, a clean shave is a must.
Things to avoid:
Neon Colors - they don’t photograph well and reflections of the colors will change your skin tone
Too much of the same thing - mix up casual styles with dressy don’t bring 5 polo shirts or 3 evening gowns - change it up to show all your sides.
Please don’t bring the entire family - this can be distracting and you may not be comfortable with everyone watching you get your photo taken. This can lead to photos where your expressions look forced or unnatural.